What are Equity
Funds ?

Explore Equity Funds! These funds offer growth opportunities by investing in stocks and assets that constantly vary in value.

Learn how to diversify your portfolio with assets with higher return potential, but also with higher risk, and start exploring the exciting world of equities and their investment opportunities!

Equity funds invest primarily in shares of publicly traded companies. Rather than investing directly in individual stocks, investors buy shares in the fund, which gives them exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks. These funds are designed to take advantage of the growth and return potential of stocks, but also carry a higher level of risk compared to other types of investments, such as fixed income.

What is Equities

Cartera con billetes

Equity refers to investment in shares or securities that represent partial ownership of a company. Investors who own shares of a company’s stock own and are entitled to a proportionate share of the company’s earnings and assets. The return on equity investment comes from the increase in the value of the shares and the dividends that companies can distribute to shareholders.

2023 Best Equity Funds

Fund NameCurrencyManagerCategoryTER
MyInvestor Nasdaq 100EURMyInvestorTechnology0’45 %33’37 %
Technology2’11 %31’84 %
Allianz Global Investors Fund – Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT EUREURAllianz Global Investors Fund – Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence AT EURTechnology2’11%31’37 %
BGF World Technology E2 Ac EurEURBGF World Technology E2 Ac EurTechnology2’32 %31’13 %

What is better to invest in Fixed or Variable Income?

The choice between investing in fixed income or equities depends on the investor’s objectives, risk tolerance and time horizon. Fixed income funds tend to be more stable and offer predictable income streams, but with potentially lower returnsEquity funds offer greater opportunities for growth and return, but also involve greater risk of loss.

Check List

Long-Term Equity Funds

Long-term equity funds seek to maximize capital growth over an extended time horizon, generally beyond five years. These funds tend to have a buy-and-hold investment strategyand may be appropriate for investors with an extended time horizon.

  • iShares Euro Stoxx 50 ETF
  • Amundi MSCI Europe UCITS ETF
  • Fidelity European Growth Fund
  • Invesco European Growth Fund