Cómo Invertir en ETF

What are Investment Funds?

Discover the path to smart investing with mutual funds.

Grow your money efficiently and safely.

Mutual funds are like teams of investors who pool their money to buy different things, such as bits of companies (called stocks), houses or loans (called bonds). Experts look after these funds and can mix them so you don’t rely on just one asset.

Some funds follow specific rules, such as index funds, which copy entire markets. Others concentrate on houses(real estate funds) or may mix a bit of everything(mixed funds). When you invest, your money can grow with ‘compound interest‘, which is like a ‘snowball effect’. Some funds are safer(fixed income funds) and others are riskier(equity funds). If you are interested in currencies, there are dollar funds.

Types of Investment Funds

Do you want to know which are the best funds? Is it a good time to invest?

This is the place to learn about mutual funds.

Best Investment Funds

Fondos de Inversión

iShares Core S&P 500 ETF

  • Ticker Symbol: IVV
  • Descripción: Este ETF busca replicar el rendimiento del índice S&P 500, el cual incluye las 500 mayores empresas que cotizan en los Estados Unidos (EEUU). Representa diversos sectores de la economía, ofreciendo una visión general del mercado estadounidense.
  • Compañía: BlackRock

Invesco QQQ Trust

  • Ticker Symbol: QQQ
  • Descripción: Este ETF rastrea el índice NASDAQ-100, compuesto por las 100 mayores empresas listadas en el NASDAQ. En su mayoría, estas empresas son del sector tecnológico.
  • Compañía: Invesco


  • Ticker Symbol: DE
  • Description: This ETF seeks to replicate the performance of the S&P 500 index, which includes the 500 largest companies listed in the United States(US). It represents various sectors of the economy, offering an overview of the U.S. market.
  • Company: iShares

SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF

  • Ticker Symbol: DIA
  • Description: This ETF seeks to replicate the Dow Jones Industrial Average index, which represents 30 leading companies on the New York Stock Exchange. These companies come from various sectors and the index is a widely followed indicator of the U.S. market.
  • Company: State Street Global Advisors

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an investment fund and how does it work?

An investment fund is a pool of money from several investors to purchase a diversified portfolio of assets managed by professionals.

What types of mutual funds are there?

Fixed incomeequitymixedreal estateindexed and ETF, among others, adapted to different investment objectives and risk profiles.

What are the risks of investment funds?

Market risk, liquidity risk and management risk, in addition to possible capital losses.

How can I invest in a mutual fund?

Open an account at a financial institution, choose a fund, invest money and track the fund’s performance over time.